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Getting Into Arabic Poetry: A Guide for Non-Arabs

In order to become a good reader, writer and eloquent speaker of a language, one needs to engage with the literature of that language; both poetry and prose. This is even more important in the case of a student of knowledge whose aim is to understand the Book of Allah and the speech of His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم.

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Learning Arabic: The Correct Methodology

Along the path of learning and teaching there are some things that I have picked up with regards to language acquisition which have benefited me on my journey and which I believe can benefit others on their respective journeys إن شاء الله. One of the things that really opened my eyes to the latest methodology and research in language acquisition was the CELTA program that I participated in and completed الحمدلله. We got to learn a lot about how language is more correctly 'acquired' and with regards to the importance of 'immersion' and some other key concepts which I have outlined in other posts. So how should we approach acquiring a new language and Arabic more specifically? The answer to that depends on your intention behind learning the Arabic language. If your intention is to just learn how to communicate with Arabs then there is a different path for that, if your aim is to learn Arabic to become a dedicated student of knowledge who can access the major sources in Islamic Literature then the path for that is relatively different. The methodology I will recommend is more suitable for those who wish to become students of knowledge and who wish to study the Deen in Arabic, if someone however wants to know enough Arabic to understand the overall meanings of the Quran and the Sunnah then they can stop at level 2 of the mentioned methodology. Throughout these levels, remember that the main goal is to understand the Quran and the Sunnah and to access the major works of Scholarly literature. So at every stage have a Tafseer of the Quran and a book of Sunnah as a part of your reading list. You can start with التفسير الصغير by Shaykh Fayez Al Suraih and كلمات القرآن by the same author and in Sunnah with جامع العلوم والحكم which is an explanation of 40+ Ahadith by Ibn Rajab.   Level 1: Focus on Receptive Skills (Reading and Listening. Learn the Arabic Script (this won't be an issue for most Muslims as they know how to read the Noble Quran) Learn as much vocabulary as you can by reading and listening to as much Arabic as possible (Books like Arabiyya Bayna Yadayka, Al Arabiyya Lin Nashieen, Al Kitab Al Asasi are good for this purpose) Complete a series like Arabiyya Bayna Yadayka with a teacher, with the focus at the initial stage being on gaining as much vocabulary as possible You should be reading material outside the course as well in the form of books, newspapers etc., to gain a wide range of vocabulary. Books like صور من حياة الصحابة are particularly beneficial. You should be listening to podcasts and lectures in Arabic as well. Scholars that speak slowly and use simple yet eloquent language like Shaykh AbdurRazzaq Al Badr should be listened to.   Level 2: Focus on Production Skills (Writing and Speaking) Continue with a selected series like Arabiyya Bayna Yadayka as it covers writing and speaking skills as well (some popular books don't cover writing and speaking in much detail) By book 3 all the lessons you study with the teacher should be mostly or completely in Arabic, meaning that the teacher should not be using any language other than Arabic by this level at least. Although it's recommended that teachers use only Arabic as the medium of instruction from the start. At this stage you should start taking notes in Arabic as well for any class that you study. Create a mini immersive environment by speaking with someone in Arabic daily.   Level 3: After completing a popular series like Arabiya Bayna Yadayka you will still need time and regular practice, a lot of listening to Arabic to become a fluent speaker and writer but at this stage you start moving onto the Arabic Sciences as well. You will have covered some essential Nahw and Sarf during the course of studying a popular series like Arabiya Bayna Yadayka. All these levels need to be studied with a teacher. Study basic Sarf before you study Nahw. A good teacher can teach you the basics of Sarf in 10 lessons or so and get you started with conjugation tables تصريفات. After that study a basic text in Nahw like Ajurrumiyyah with an easy explanation like At Tuhfah As Saniyyah. Then study a primer in Sarf that is well organized and well written, like Tasreef Al Izzi and memorize the Tasreef Tables. For non-Arabs I don't recommend studying poetic versifications منظومات at the start. You will study them later, however at this stage the focus needs to be on understanding and applying principles and rules. After that immerse yourself in the study of Irab إعراب by going through works like Sharh of Kafrawi on Ajurrumiyyah, An Nahw Al Wadheefi by Abdul Aleem Ibrahim. And complete the Irab of a few Surahs of the Noble Quran and Hadith with the teacher. Then spend some time studying Tahleel Sarfi تحليل صرفي and the rules related to تعليقات صرفية by going through works like Al Ilal Wal Ibdal by Abdul Aleem Ibrahim. After that study a primer in Balagha like Al Balagha Al Wadihah. This will prepare you for the next level of studies which will also involve the study of Arabic poetry and Arabic Literature as a whole. Throughout this stage you should be reading Arabic extensively. Preferably Islamic literature and you should continue listening to lectures delivered by Ulama. Read the works of Tantawi, Rafiee, Manfalooti etc. Studying Manfalooti can require a teacher.   Level 4: Nahw, Sarf and Balagha will become a constant in your curriculum from now on. You will complete one book of Nahw then Sarf then Balagha until the designated curriculum is complete. Start this stage by studying and memorizing the poem Banat Suaad written by the Sahabi Ka'b bin Zuhayr. This will introduce you to classical Arabic vocabulary. Continue studying Nahw by going through Sharh Qatrun Nada and Sharh Shudhoor Adh Dhahab. After Nahw study Sarf by going through Marah Al Arwaah and Tasreef Mulla Ali Then study Balagha by going through Al Jawhar Al Maknoon Study a primer in Al Urood Wal Qawafi at this stage which is the science of poetic metre, a famous book in this is Meezan Al Dhahab by Al Hashimi Study and memorize the poem Muthalath Qutrub which will introduce you to classical Arabic vocabulary. Continue reading a wide variety of Arabic Literature. At this stage you can start reading more classical sources such as Adab Al Katib by Ibn Qutaybah. Also continue listening to Arabic lectures.   Level 5: This is the final stage which every student of knowledge needs. If someone wants to specialize in the Arabic Language and it's sciences they will have to study beyond this level. Study and memorize Lamiyatul Arab and Muallaqat at this stage. Do Irab of the poetic verses you study. Study Nahw by going through Alfiyaa with the Sharh of Ibn Hishaam. Study Sarf by going through Shafiya of Ibn Al Hajib with the Sharh of Jarabardi Study Balagha by going through either Talkheesul Miftaah or Uqood Al Jumman. Continue reading a wide variety of Arabic Literature.   And Allah knows best

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Language Learning Tips

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